Join Us
Annual Membership dues are $20 per person or $25 for a family membership and are to be paid by the end of January of that year. Checks should be made payable to Lower Macungie Garden Club and may be mailed with the Application/Renewal Form or given to a member at our Welcome Desk at a General meeting.
Members will also be asked to sign a Release Form for Publication of Photos that may be taken at events.
Executive Board
President Phyllis Whitney
Vice President Barbara Ingalsbe
Corresponding Secretary Joan Lindstrom
Recording Secretary Elaine Civic
Treasurer Sandy Harris
Committee Chairs
Conservation Joann Sell
Craft Linda Letcher & Jaine Kunst
Gardens of Excellence
Historian Debby Koepcke
Hospitality Maureen Prat, Karen Panik &
Roxana Marroquin
Inspiration Roxana Marroquin
Membership Sue Rothrock
Newsletter/Publicity Bonnie Mainiero & Ellen Murray
Programs Diane Hough & Caroline Muraro
Scholarship Jaine Kunst
Web Gardeners Pat Ruch-Barth & Joann Sell
Welcoming Committee:
Florine, Celie, Janie and Elaine